The Video Diaries of Rifleman Harris - Jason Salkey - official site, graphic copyright

apethorpe to addapazzari

harris' journey though sharpe

sharpe's first | sharpe's second | sharpe's third | sharpe's fourth | sharpe's fifth

Sharpe's Fourth



Our fourth tour of duty took us away from the Crimean peninsula, across to Southern Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean. A shift that at last afforded us the 5-star handling that matches a high-profile show like Sharpe.

A television show with ten million regular viewers in the UK and a rising film star of international repute at it's lead. The Chosen Men had now become the Chosen few as it was left to Harris and Hagman to back up Sharpe and Harper.

Harris tastes the high-life with the move to the
more luxurious Turkish Riviera (Mission Oct 1995)

Pole hanging at Wellingtons Camp (Siege Oct 1995)

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