The Video Diaries of Rifleman Harris - Jason Salkey - official site, graphic copyright

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Episode Two:

Goodbye to Jayne:
Jayne Ashbourne, having filmed her last scene takes the opportunity to tell us what a fulfilling, yet emotionally draining time it's been on Sharpe.

El Casco shoots:
El Casco gives the signal to bring forth the British deserters, including the pre-incarnation of Shadrack Bickerstaff. Abel Folk as El Casco sits a top of his horse at Dimerdji, Ukraine 1994.

Poor old soldier:
John Tams sings the theme tune to the life of a Chosen Man, 'Poor Old Soldier' at Dimerdji. John's unique singing voice is so inextricably linked with what makes Sharpe so enjoyable.

Tams & Beano:
Offstage John and Sean, two leading members of the Northern mafia, discuss the best place for fishing in Yalta.

Toothpaste Beano:
Sean is having so much fun he had to be hosed down by the local fire brigade.

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