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June 2020
Dear Sharpe Fans,
As well as keeping a photo journal and video log on Sharpe, the initial foray into documenting my time was a written diary. This formed the basis of a lecture, Life at the Sharpe End; delivered at living history festivals, war gaming conventions and other historical militaria related events.
Now thanks to crowd funded publisher Unbound, the Harris written diaries will become a book called From Crimea With Love due out in Spring 2021. The title acknowledges the crucial role three years of filming in the Crimea had on the look, feel and ultimate success of the show.
The memoir covers my five seasons on Sharpe, what transpired between the shoots, as well as bringing you up to date with the intervening years and my work as the un-official Sharpe ambassador.
You can pre-order From Crimea With Love by following the link below and if you wanted to support the project that little bit extra there are some nice gifts available including a signed copy (by Bernard Cornwell) of Sharpe's Eagle in Japanese. Anyone ordering before the book hits the printing press will get their name on a list of supporters within the book as well as my unstinting gratitude and thanks. Those who support the book will get an extra special deal on any Harris merchandise; just drop me an e-mail if you want to know more.
I also want to announce a series of podcasts (more planned) that have virtually reunited me with other Sharpe veterans. You can hear the results by clicking below or visiting the History Hack Podcast website which I'm sure you'll enjoy.
Jason 'Rifleman Harris' Salkey
Pre-order From Crimea With Love
History Hack podcasts:
 The Chosen Men reunite in a Zoom meeting for the History Hack podcast

 Jason finding a quiet moment to reflect on the day's events behind the scenes on Sharpe
All original photographs (unless otherwise credited), graphics & code © 2005 - 2020 no unauthorised reproduction.
Last update June 28th 2020.