harris video diaries gallery
Episode Three:

Angelic Beano:
Sean flashes his winning smile for the Harris cam on the set we knew as Torrecastro.

Chilled Big D:
Daragh sits in the Chosen waiting area before we film the raid on General Brigadier Loup's stronghold in Sharpe's Battle.

The conclusion of 'Sharpe's Battle' was indeed very hard to film for the regulars in the unit. For two and three quarter years we'd trudged happily along without any of us meeting a violent end, so the death of Perkins shocked us to the core.

Muir at Alona:
Executive producer, Muir Sutherland pops over to the Crimea to make sure the Chosen men are behaving them selves.

Quizzical Diana:
Diana Perez brings her particular brand of Colombian exuberance to the Sharpe unit. Here she prepares in the make up tent for the Lady Keily pregnancy revelation scene.

Sean & John gone fishin':
All that planning paid off as Sean shows off his haul from the fishing expedition. Rumours of Sean emptying a tin of sardines in to the plastic bag are unfounded.
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