news archive
September 2017
Dear Harris fans,
This year is the 25th anniversary of me getting the part of Harris and the beginning of our collective Sharpe adventures. I was dreaming of a full reunion that could be shared with fans at a well-established event. Unfortunately my plans for a Sharpe event got scuppered due to work schedules and lack of will.
Hopes of a full reunion will probably have to be shelved, but so far Harper and a few Chosen have pledged their support. I will spread the net a little wider to see who else might be interested.
The event will tentatively take place at War & Peace 2018, 24-28 July held at Paddock Wood, Kent. 2018 will be a quarter of a century since the broadcast of Rifles, Wednesday 5th of May at 8pm! Any updates regarding this reunion appear first on my Facebook groups 'RIFLEMAN HARRIS FAN SITE' & 'SHARPES RIFLES'.
In other news, I am being included in a battlefield tour of Waterloo in Oct 2018. A proper guide will lead the tour and I will deliver my Sharpe lecture 'Life at the Sharpe End' back at our hotel in Brussels. It will be my maiden trip to this famous site and I'm really looking forward to it. If you have any questions please direct them to Tales from the Battlefield Tours.
As of now, the final event of the year will again be the Toy Soldier Show, 2/3 Dec which is at a new venue in Camden, London NW32BQ. First up in 2018 will be The Shooting Show 16/17/18 February which this year is at the NEC Birmingham and there are plans for me to do a Q&A and short talk at the event.
Nil Desperandum
Jason 'Harris' Salkey

November 2016
Dear Harris fans,
I trust this past year has treated you well and we all can look forward positively despite the world seemingly going a little crazy! Bringing a little sanity to 2017 is a Sharpe event still in its planning stages, something no Sharpe fan will want to miss!
All I can say is this will take place at War & Peace, Folkestone Racecourse, over the 28th & 29th July 2017. As plans get more advanced I will post news on this site and my Facebook groups 'Rifleman Harris Fan Site' and 'Sharpes Rifles'.
My last appearance of the year will be at The Toy Soldier Show and the London Plastic Modelling Show at the Islington Design Centre, Dec 3rd & 4th. Come along and get a Sharpe related Xmas present for that special person in your life.
The first appearance of the year will be the International Living history festival at Cressing Temple 8/9th April.
Stay Sharpe!
Jason 'Rifleman Harris' Salkey
 Where's the Harris figure then? Euro Militaire 2016
 At Military Odyssey 2016 photo by Barry Wilson
 At Military Odyssey 2016 photo by Barry Wilson
May 2015
Dear Harris fans,
Here we are at the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, an auspicious event woven in to our nation's fabric; and an ominous date for the fictional Rifleman Harris. This year is proving to be busy one with a visit to the USA for Cold Wars 2015 in Lancaster, PA and the International Living History Fair just outside Leicester already under my belt.
The 200th anniversary of Waterloo kicked off with a request I couldn't refuse; I was asked to provide the voice for a life-size figure of Rifleman Harris in the Royal Green Jackets museum. I also voiced a description of the Peninsula War, all part of the new Waterloo 200 exhibit.
The Harris itinerary doesn't stop there, in July I've been asked back to Historicon 2015 the premier war games convention in the states. There I shall deliver my seminar, Life at the Sharpe End, a wholly subjective account of my time on Sharpe and beyond. That will take place in Fredericksburg, Virginia 16-19 July.
The rest of the year will see the Harris roadshow at familiar stamping grounds such as Military Odyssey and Euromilitaire with a couple of other dates still to be confirmed. If you are on Facebook please join my Facebook page 'Rifleman Harris Fan Site', there are also two Sharpe's Rifles groups, all populated with like-minded Sharpe fans.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
"Hagman and I will head back to the farm house, sir"
 Sharpe fans seem to get younger and younger. Military Odyssey, Aug 2014
 They don't like it up 'em! Military Odyssey, Aug 2014
 Photo by Stuart McGregor
 Fayre Times Festival, Sept 14. Photo by Vanessa Champion
 Honoured to be chosen along with Kate Adie to provide voice recordings for the new Waterloo 200 exhibit at the Royal Green Jackets museum, Winchester. Mar 2015
December 2013
Dear Harris fans,
The tenth episode of Harris Ten has been completed which draws to a close the Harris Video Diaries.
The action picks up with Hagman and Harris poised to repel the superior numbers of the French attack on La Haye Saint, an act that leads directly to their deaths. With that momentous passage of film in the can we wrap up the remaining scenes of Sharpe’s Waterloo and the behind the scenes Harris log terminates.
Included on this latest disc are a few extras including all Harris web adverts, a photo gallery and news of a couple of future productions. Projects I intend to include as part of a box set along with every conceivable bit of unused footage, photo and other interesting Sharpe related knick knacks I can find.
I can read sir!
Jason ‘Harris’ Salkey
Dear Harris fans,
It's two decades since my incredible, indelible Sharpe odyssey began which means the Harris Diaries celebrates its decade milestone. It’s rather apt that episode ten, the final tome of the Harris decalogy (just made that up) is the instalment that currently occupies my time.
The plan for H10 was to follow my final days on location in Turkey, including the fateful bayonet thrust at La Haye Saint and go on to reveal what happened in the aftermath of leaving the Sharpe cocoon and how it has shaped my life ever since.
While editing the footage I realised the tenth Harris was going to be an epic project which wouldn’t receive justice crammed onto a 60 min DVD, even a double disc, which was also contemplated. So the upshot is that H10 will conclude with my last day shooting on the fifth series.
Have no fear though, all that post Sharpe footage (‘Harris: The Afterlife’) won’t go to waste. I plan to tweak the early episodes, edit the post Sharpe stuff into volumes, load a photo gallery, add a few surprise gems and squeeze in all into a box set.
Though not shot on Sharpe location, ‘Afterlife’ will have lots of Sharpe related material, as well as lots of other stuff. So if you trust my film making and the editorial slant I apply to it, hopefully you will be intrigued, amazed, amused and entertained by Harris: The Afterlife.
Below is a list of the events I’ve committed to, the next being the always excellent Military Odyssey. See you out there; in the meantime if you fancy a set of Harris diaries or photos or an audio book. E-mail me and we’ll fix a nice price.
Also, my PO Box address is no longer valid, postal enquiries should be sent to my agent: JASON SALKEY, 8 WINDSOR COURT, MOSCOW RD, LONDON W2 4SN, ENGLAND
Chosen greeting to one and all!
Jason ‘Harris’ Salkey
Events 2012
Military Odyssey Detling 25-27 Aug
EuroMilitaire, Folkstone 22-23 Sept
Derby World Wargames 6-7 Oct
 Another masterpiece crafted by the good people of Derbyshire Arms. A pistol not dissimilar to the one nimbly wielded by Teresa in Rifles and Eagle.
Dear Harris fans,
It's been a pleasure meeting Sharpe fans of every vintage at the various events I attended since last reporting. I am always pleasantly surprised at the amount of very young fans of Sharpe that approach my table: keep up the good work parents.
Speaking of events, there are still a few appearances left on the Harris itinerary including a visit to historic Williamsburg, Virginia USA, Gravesham Toy Show and the Toy Soldier Show TBC.
In amongst the Harris itinerary, work on Harris Ten - the final frontier-continues slowly; still at an early stage H10 is having all it's relevant video footage uploaded to the computer. Already loaded and placed in the time line is all the action from the day of Hagman and Harris' death and the agonisingly, anticlimactic final days on the set of Sharpe that followed.
From there on I wanted to tell the story of my emergence from the Sharpe cocoon into a world of Sharpe appreciators. With no more Sharpe to film my attendance at S.A.S events became more frequent, following swiftly on with solo appearances and the creation of the Harris Video Diary.
During the interim between death on Sharpe and the birth of the Harris diary, I continued to roll the Harris cam (though not as assiduously as on Sharpe tour), but with the advent of the 'Harris Project', I realised that producing 'Harris' is also a journey and was deserving of and 'documenting' in earnest.
So, the question for Harris diary fans is: will my video diary approach to events post Sharpe still keep you entertained? Events that took me back to Russia and Ukraine, as well as a glimpse of Sri Lanka and Iran, but I suppose you will all let me know.
Of course that journey is still on-going, but if you are new to Sharpe (yeah to that) and want to augment your DVD box set, you can't go wrong with The Harris Diaries. Episodes 1-9 are all available, as are many photos and the 'Recollections of Rifleman Harris' audio book.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
Military History Weekend, Williamsburg ,VA, USA 15-16 Oct 2011
"…an unremitting debtor and a courtier to my lord bacchus!"
 At Military Odyssey 2011 in front of my splendid Harris Flag made by Charles Ashburner
 At Euro Militaire 2011 with Yvette from the Sharpe's Children's Foundation
 "I liked the t-shirt so much Chista had one made for me" Cold Wars Lancaster Mar 2011
 With Hugh Fraser, Daragh O'Malley and Lyndon Davies during a rest on Sharpe's March
Dear Harris fans,
Chosen greetings to all Sharpe appreciators around the world, at long last H9 is complete and ready to ship. I'm really happy with the finished product, a film that charts quite a turbulent time in my Sharpe odyssey. It's quite a dense episode so they'll be a lot to take in, hopefully it's still entertaining or amazing or both.
The H9 action stops just before the Harris-Hagman death scene is filmed on location which means the opening salvos of H10 - the final frontier - will feature the killing of the two last Chosen Men in all its glorious detail taking the Harris story through the completion of filming up into present day.
Anyone on my database will be notified as soon as I get the DVDs back from the duplicators as will Facebook friends and those through Sharpe Point, Sharpe's Chefs and SCF news reports.
With spring imminent that can only mean the Harris road show will be coming to a festival/convention near you, below are some of the confirmed dates so far.
At present the Sharpe/Harris odyssey is guiding me over the Atlantic again to guest at Cold Wars 2011, a war games convention that takes place in Lancaster PA, 11-13 March. So, if there are any Sharpe fans in the general area do come along
2011 dates:
- 10 - 13th March - Cold Wars 2011, Lancaster, PA
- 26th March - Toy Soldier Show Royal National hotel, London
- 16th April - Salute 2011 XL Centre, London
- 23rd July Soldiers through the Ages Colchester
- 6-7th Aug Blast from the Past Broadlands
- 27-29th Aug Military Odyssey Kent County Fair Detling
- 17 & 18th Sept Euro Militaire, Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone
 Just a nice photo taken at Kelmarsh by Kieron Nevison
 Harris takes to the skies to skirmish with the baddies. Military Odyssey Aug 2010
 With my beautifully crafted Baker Rifle made by Derbyshire Arms. Photo by Pat Patrick at Kingston Maurward House
 Lined up with the boys of the 1st 95th proudly holding the new Harris flag created by Charles Ashburner. Kingston Maurward
 Paul Bigley, Lyndon, Stuart Sutherland and me after the SCF launch Oct 2010
 Daragh O'Malley, the man responsible for the Sharpe's Children's Foundation with Paul and Lyndon
Dear Harris Fans,
The summer's well and truly here and as is the custom, the Harris road show heads out across the land. During the next three months I'll be doing Reenactor gigs, living history festivals and a toy soldier fair.
A big hello to the people of Chatham who warmly welcomed me and sat intently listening as I delivered my 'lecture' on life during Sharpe called Life at the Sharpe End. First rolled out last year at Historicon '09 in Lancaster PA, the talk covers my time from just before my audition for Harris and the present day.
I've added an extra date to my road show itinerary, an entirely new event for me but one an old Napoleonic soldier would feel at home. It's Navy Days at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard on 30 July -1 August, if you are in the area do pop in to say hi.
Now for news on the seemingly endless production of H9. The voice over recording is at an advanced stage but the script still isn't fully complete though I'm closer to the end than the beginning. Full release details will be announced here first.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
- 31st July - 1st Aug Naval & Military History Portsmouth Dockyard
- 7th - 8th Aug - Blasts from the Past Broadlands Estate, Romsey
- 21st - 22nd Aug - Scotland's Festival of History Lanark
- 28th - 30th Aug - Military Odyssey Kent County Showground, Detling
- 24th - 26th Sept - International Napoleonic Weekend Dorset
- 30th Oct - Gravesham Toy Show Gravesend, Kent

Dear Harris fans,
First a little news about the Sharpe's Children Foundation, a project that's come to fruition through Daragh's O'Malley's prodigious efforts and now has an office and it's website is up running. You can now donate to the SCF through the site and Daragh has promised to join me on a couple of upcoming appearances so stay tuned.
My recent trip to Chicago was as enjoyable as I expected, if a little less windy. It was my first visit to that part of the U.S. and I was pleased with the wonderful reception I received from Mike Bollow (organiser) and the reenactors of the Mid-west. While there I did an interview for , do have a click and scroll down to Feb 16th 2010 where you'll find my podcast interview.
Bookending my Chicago trip were the 'Unconventional' Traders Market and Pike and Shot's excellent Living History fair in Warwick; continuing the busy start to 2010, are events with the SAS at Leeds Armouries and Royal Armouries, Woolwich. Swiftly followed by a solo appearance at Salute 2010, a UK war games convention at the end of April in the Excel centre. If you can make it to any of these events do pop along and say hello. See below for my confirmed 2010 events so far.
Encouraging news on the H9 front with the completion of the first rough cut, I'm now squeezing all my script notes into a coherent, illuminating, informative and entertaining voice-over narrative. The final Sharpe (of the Harris era) was an extraordinary, emotionally charged passage of time and I've got to make sure I get all my thoughts and the facts, straight!
In the run up to H9's release please take advantage of the wonderful deals I'm offering on all Harris products (photos, DVDs, audio book); just drop me an e-mail or even a postcard and tell me what you'd like.
Oh, yes, last but not least, I'm appearing in a couple of tiny roles in two upcoming films: The Infidel and Kickass.
'I can read sir!'
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
17 - 18th April - SHARPE'S FIREPOWER Royal Artillery Museum Woolwich
24th April - SALUTE 2010 Excel Exhibition centre, London
24 - 25th July - KELMARSH FESTIVAL OF HISTORY Kelmarsh Northants
7-8th Aug - BLASTS FROM THE PAST Broadlands Estate, Romsey Hants
28- 30st Aug - MILITARY ODYSSEY Kent County Showground, Detling
24- 26th Sept - INTERNATIONAL NAPOLEONIC WEEKEND Kingston Maurward, Dorset
 At the reenactor's ball with convention organiser Mike Bollow
 An American cover of Sharpe's Rifles
 A beautiful version of my old friend Ezekiel Baker
 Came home from Chicago to find another old friend filming on my doorstep
Jason is the Guest of Honour at ReEnactor Fest 2010 in Chicago, USA, from February 5th to 7th, please see the link for full details.
Dear Harris fans,
Resumption of production on H9 is looming I assure you all, but my time off has been well spent making Harris promos and taking little glances at the H9 script. There is now a link on to the first web promo 'Gunpowder and Geezers', two more will follow fairly soon. I'll also put a link to my nicely edited acting show reel and my acting C.V.
As previously advertised, I've whipped together a report on my trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania for Historicon 09. I've been lucky enough to get another invite to a state side event this time I'm crossing the pond for Reenactor Fest 2010 (Feb 5-7th) in Chicago. I'll post more details as we get closer, in the mean time here's a link to their site:
As far as recent events past, Military Odyssey was as usual teeming with people and enormous in scale. Next year (28-30th Aug) will be their 10th anniversary, if you only attend one re-enactor or living history event then this should be the one. Next up was Dorset for the ever enlarging International Napoleonic Weekend situated in the grounds of Kingston Maurward House.
What a week end, reading passages from Recollections, firing cannons, meeting 'Napoleon' and a spot of Regency dancing were just some of the activities I got stuck into. Organiser, Dave Allan has already confirmed next year (24-26th Sept) where I hope to be in attendance again with the Sharpe Appreciation Society.
While in Dorset I met the good people from Derbyshire Arms who specialise in flint lock weaponry such as Baker Rifles. I thought it was about time I took the plunge and get one for the Harris road show - don't tell my missus! If ever you wanted a Baker, they're the ones to contact:
Within artillery range of Derby the ladies from Sharpe's Chefs promoted their second book - Sharpe's Chefs II funnily enough - at the Nottingham branch of Waterstones. Always a fun- filled afternoon made even better by the presence of Chosen Men, Lyndon Davies and John Tams. We were also joined by a man who shared all the harshness of our first Crimean campaign, Paul Bigley (Dobbs/Eagle) who's becoming a bit of a Sharpe's Chefs regular.
Just before Xmas I'll be at The Toy Soldier Show (Dec 5th) in The Royal National Hotel, London, if you are in town do come along and say hello.
As usual in the run up to Christmas I'll be amenable to festive deal making, so if you want DVDS, photos or my audio book, e-mail me and we'll work out a nice price.
Courtier to my lord Bacchus
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 With Robin Sayles, editor of many Sharpe episodes at the Chiltern Open Air Museum
 Early Guy Faulkes on an industrial scale. Lighting a cannon in the grounds of Kingston Maurward house
 In the Derbyshire Arms tent holding the object of my desire
 With Paul Bigley, John Tams and Lyndon Davies in Nottingham for Sharpe's Chefs
Dear Harris fans,
I've taken a little time off producing Harris 9 so that I can make a show reel of my acting work and a web promo for the Harris Diaries. Both will be posted on You tube at some point soon. I'm hoping to resume work H9 very soon with the hope of having it finished by Xmas.
As it's the summer, my personal appearances are picking up. I've already done a gig with the excellent Event Plan at Wimpole Hall, Cambridgeshire, a county fair in Dorset, a Sharpe Chefs launch at Waterstones in Greenwich, Chiltern Open Air Museum and the very huge Historicon over in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, my first appearance outside the UK. Hello again to everyone who attended those events and thank you for your support. A full report on Historicon 09 coming shortly to this site.
Next up is the equally massive Military Odyssey at the Kent County Fairgrounds in Detling, 29-31 Aug after that I'll be at the Martello tower in Jaywick, 12-13 Sept and then the International Napoleonic Weekend in Kingston Maurward Dorset, 3-4 Oct.
'A book to wipe my bum with sir'
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 Chosen Men reunited.
 Mike Mears poses in front of my photos display board shortly after signing 1st day covers.
 Daragh sign a few 1st day covers to raise money for his new charity Sharpe's Children.
 With the producers and star of The Infidel, due out next year.
 Paul Kaye (aka Dennis Pennis) and I are cops called to arrest Omid Djaili.
 Chiltern Open Air Museum Aug 09.
Dear Harris fans,
Chosen greetings to you all in the run up to the festive season.
Just a few words to let you know I've begun loading Harris 9 clips into the computer. As sure a sign as any that things are under way on the penultimate episode of Harris.
I've had the good fortune to land a small job on a film where I was reunited with an old Sharpe mate, Mark Strong. We had a nice chat during our lunch break and he's the same lovely, engaging and genuine chap that he was all those years ago.
As usual he was playing the lead baddie and I'm a cop sent to a 'disturbance' at his penthouse, more info on that will come closer to the film's release.
In the run up to Christmas I'll be offering great deals when purchasing combination packages such as DVD and photos, or DVD and audio book etc. And I'll be offering extra special deals to all my loyal supporters (purchaser of five or more DVDs and on my data base). Just drop me an e-mail.
Last thing on offer, one for Sean appreciators please see here: on Winona Kent's excellent site.
"All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds"
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 Mark Strong and I.
 Sgt. O'Brien of the NYPD.
Dear Harris fans,
Thanks to all of you that have responded to the H8 release call. Special
prices are being offered to loyal customers and anyone on my data base will
receive great deals.
Information has just been posted regarding the sale of my new audio book:
'Recollections of Rifleman Harris' please see the ordering page for details.
It's a fabulous little production with lots of extras and will be ready to
ship in early November.
Also a big hello to all the people I met during the festival season this
summer, notably Kelmarsh, Detling and Dorset. Thanks for all your interest
and support, the events are being added to the diary for next year already,
see this site for details.
I hope everyone is eagerly looking forward to the broadcast of Sharpe's
Peril, I certainly am. Daragh tells me it could be one of the best episodes
ever. Without Chosen Men how could that be?
Daragh was also briefing me on a charity he's starting in India called
Sharpe's Children to help orphans at a catholic mission on the sub
continent. The dream is to open a centre in each of the countries we've
filmed in.
He's just getting the administration side set up, but stay tuned for more
info in the future. But for now it's time to Shut up Harris.
Viva Voltaire
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 Big D signs a Sharpe first day cover. We're aiming to get Sean and remaining Chosen to sign the item to raise money for Sharpe's Children
 Had the pleasure of dinner with Julian Fellows where he let me hold his Gosford Park Oscar. And no that's not a euphemism
 Julian signs photos of his as Prince Regent at Kingston Maurward House, Dorset
 At Military Odyssey, Detling Kent

Dear Harris fans,
Not a moment too soon, I'm pleased to announce the arrival of Harris 8. This episode completes the first Turkish Set.
Preliminary ground work has begun on on Harris 9. The beginning of the end for Harris, a time of anger, sadness and disappointment.
As well as my Harris' video diary, I've recorded an audio book of an abridged version of 'The Recollections of Rifleman Harris' available soon through this site. Details will be posted shortly.
Stay Sharpe.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
Dear Harris fans,
Hopefully this should be the last news flash before I announce the release of H8. The voice over recording has been completed, so now that and the music can be joggled into place along with all graphics.
Life has been very Sharpe centric (more than normal) since I last reported with the run up to the SAS event at Firepower in Woolwich. I spoke to many actors and crew who were unable to attend and got to hang out with those who did make it to the Royal Artillery Museum.
Notably, Daragh O'Malley, Tim Bentinck, Lyndon Davies, Paul Bigley, Martin Glynn Murray and last but obviously not least, Hugh Fraser; a roster of characters that pleased the very good turnout of fans.
Report coming soon!
My next appearance will be another Sharpe's Chefs signing at Waterstone's in Perkins home town of Cheltenham. Come along to meet Lyndon and me, grab a signed copy of Chefs and get great discounts on all things Harris. Proceedings kick off at 2:30pm and wrap up around 4:30.
Two weeks later I'll be joining forces with the SAS for an assault on Kelmarsh for the English Heritage Festival of history. It's always well attended and provides a multi period, all action, 3 dimensional tour through our history.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 Front: Hugh Fraser, Tim Bentinck, Martin Glynn Murray/ Back: Paul Bigley, Lyndon and me.
 The two H club reunite one more time.
 Sharpe veterans sign anything fans can get their hands on.
Dear Harris fans,
At this point in time they should be very close to completing principal photography on the seventh series of Sharpe; probably to be aired later this, or next year.
Flying the flag for the original Sharpe, the Harris video diary will soon have episode eight ready for sale in a couple of months. I've currently recorded the first quarter of the narration voice over and continue to improve the other three quarters until it shines like a new penny.
Lyndon Davies and I helped to raise a few more pennies for the National Osteoporosis Society at our Sharpe's Chefs signing at Waterstone's Southend. Thanks a lot to Claire (Waterstones), Adele James and all the Sharpe's Chef's contributors for making it a productive day. There's talk of other signings later in the year, watch this space.
Happening a little sooner are the Napoleonic festival and the Sharpe's Appreciation Society weekend at Firepower, details below.
'Sharpe's butler'
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
10- 11 May
International Napoleonic Fair
31 May - 1 June
Royal Woolwich Artillery Museum
 Lyndon and I with Claire from Waterstone's and 'Chefs' Sigrid, Adele and her sisters
 Chris Brendel samples the delights of British food
 Sean hears something he finds amusing
Dear Harris fans,
First up, a little update on the progress on H8.
I’ve managed to whittle the H8 rough cut down to just over an hour in duration. I’m now able to tape it down from the computer to a VHS for repeated watching at leisure in the privacy of my own house. There I will finalize the narration script, trim the running time to just under an hour and chose the placement of music.
I won’t give an estimated release but everything’s coming along well.
The Sharpe’s Chef’s London launch went very nicely. It was wonderful to reconvene with three fifths of the Chosen Men at the Piccadilly Waterstone’s for a bit of signing and banter. Much fun was had by the veterans and everyone else was entertained by the eternal Chosen spirit.
The event was attended by many of the contributors to the book including our contact, Adele James. She tells me they are planning another launch at the Southend Waterstone’s store, 49 - 55 High Street, Saturday April 5th.
Waterstones have kindly allowed me to bring some Harris DVDs and photos for sale at special Sharpe’s Chefs prices, so come on down it’s all for a good cause.
A wake and wastrel!
Jason ‘Harris’ Salkey
 Doing my best to man the signature line.
 Lads reunited, guarded ably by the boys in green.
 After the signing at the Waterstone's cafe.
Dear Harris fans,
Wishing you all a belated happy ‘08 and thanks to all of you that have made ‘07 a good year for the Harris project.
The eighth episode progresses as well as can be expected. At the moment it’s a 1hr 26m very rough cut which will have to be boiled down to just under an hour.
I liken it to a tantalizingly rich sauce that needs to be heavily reduced before it’s ready to become a mouth-watering complement to the meat that is Sharpe.
Thanks to all H7 purchasers and as promised I have held a draw for the Wellington photo plus two runners up.
The lucky winner is: B. Wilkesmann of Berlin, Germany
1st Runner-up: K. Jarmon of Virginia, USA
2ND Runner-up: J. Evans of Manchester, UK
Lastly, there will be a launch for the ‘Sharpe’s Chefs’ at Waterstones, Piccadilly, London, 19th Jan 12:30pm. I will be there with a few of my Chosen mates signing books and whatever else you bring in.
“Comes from the Greek word Demos”
Jason ‘Harris’ Salkey
16 Oct 2007
Dear Harris fans,
The first shots in anger have been fired in the battle to bring you H8 in the greater Harris Diary war. Please forgive the mangled metaphor.
The action picks up in South eastern Turkey as we near Christmas and the final turnover of the fourth series.
In the mean time episode seven can still be had along with all other episodes. With purchase of H7 you're automatically entered to win a signed photo of Hugh Fraser [Wellington]. Winner to be drawn at the end of November.
Just before that, another Sharpe related item will be on sale: Sharpe Chefs (ordering link). A recipe book with contributions from Sean, myself and other Sharpe luminaries. All proceeds go to the National Osteoporosis Society and will be out in time for doing your Christmas shopping.
'Courtier to my lord Bacchus'
Jason 'Harris' Salkey

20th September 2007
Dear Harris fans,
I got there in the end, another episode in 'the can'; which means according to my projections there will be three more instalments, taking us up to my final minutes on Sharpe! But there's still plenty of unused footage which, you never know, could be moulded in to something interesting.
Forgive the yearly interludes between helpings of Harris but I'm trying to maintain the quality you've become accustomed to. Work on H8 has yet to begin in earnest, but once the first flush of H7's release is over I'll get stuck in.
Over the summer I managed to squeeze some festival appearances in between my trip down Sharpe memory lane: as promised, a report on my Ukraine trip later. At the final show of the year, 'Blast from the Past' I was joined by my old Chosen mucker Lyndon 'Perkins' Davies [see photos]
Remember, ordering your copy of H7 now will enter you for a chance to win a signed photo of Hugh Fraser.
"I can read sir"
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 Gripping my Baker like my life depends on it at the Kelmarsh English Heritage Festival of History - Aug 07
 My teacher from Chosen Man school, Richard Moore, dressed as a highway man. In the background is his partner in crime and a Hagman look-a-like - Kelmarsh 07
 Marilyn Standfast, of the Sharpe's Appreciation Society stands fast by our table of goodies. All your Sharpe needs and more will be met at our stall - Cliveden 07
 Lyndon and I play one of the 'powers'' favorite game: Chosen Man killing- Cliveden 07
6 Aug 2007
Dear Harris fans,
At long last episode seven of the diaries is ready for release and I'm feeling this instalment could be the cream of the crop. As always you'll be the judge of that!
The actual tape is at the duplicators and I'm hoping to get all of my copies delivered in days. Anyone on my database will be receiving a release notification e-mail, others can order straight away. Everyone who orders will be entered in the draw to win a signed photo of the actor playing Wellington, Hugh Fraser.
Release of H7 means I'll have copies for sale at Kelmarsh Hall [11/12 Aug] for the English Heritage Festival of History where I shall be joining the team from the Sharpe's Appreciation Society.
Looking ahead, I'll be at Cliveden [9/10 Sept] for 'Blast from the Past'. I'm trying to arrange a few blasts from Sharpe past at this event to join me at the table, confirmation of this closer to the day.
The day after Kelmarsh I shall be stepping on to a plane to Yalta via Istanbul where I'll visit the in-laws plus re-visit a few old Sharpe haunts and battle fields; a report and photos about this trip later in the year.
"Prima facie looks bad"
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
Festival of History 11/12 August 2007
Kelmarsh Hall
Nr Kettering, Northants.
Blast from the past 8/9 September 2007
Maidenhead, Bucks SL6 0JA.
 Meeting with old Sharpe crew: Saint [Boom Operator] /Guy Pugh [Sean's Assistant] Tanya [Make -up] Guy and Tanya are another Sharpe marriage for the list, you'll recognise them all from the diaries
 Martin Parfitt Sharpe's Appreciation Society armoury expert gives an interview for live radio while Chris Clarke and daughter look on
Dear Harris fans,
I'm pleased to announce some good news for German Sharpe fans; there are plans to release the Sharpe DVD box set with German sub-titles. As part of the bonus material on the DVD package they want to use selected clips from the Harris films. I will write comments to accompany the clips, subtitled and translated into German; I'm not sure when the release date is.
Unfortunately, it means I've had to suspend work on episode seven which means I've had to alter the release date. Work is back under way and it shouldn't be long before the next instalment is finally ready.
A good time was had by all at the year's first events: The Napoleonic Festival at Cressing Temple and the 95th rifle re-enactment at Wellington Country Park. The former was well attended but rainy and at the later we were graced with the presence of Rifleman Perkins.
Next appearance will be at the Colchester Military Festival where I'll be with Chris Clarke et al on the Sharpe's Appreciation Society table. It's quite a big event, with spectacular land and air displays and just about every period in military history is represented.
From a broken down scribbler!
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
Sat/Sun June 15/16 2007
Colchester Military Festival
Abbey Field
 Chris Clarke, esteemed leader of the SAS tries to deflect the paparazzi my way
 A pretty impressive set of rafters inside the big Barn at Cressing Temple
 At Cressing Temple for the Napoleonioc Fair
21 Apr 07
Dear Harris fans,
It's festival time again and first up is an appearance at Wellington Country Park [Nr Reading], 5-7 May. Following quickly on one week later is the 14th International Napoleonic fair at Cressing Temple [Nr Braintree]. On both occasions I'll be with joining forces with the Sharpe's Appreciation Society.
In between getting ready for these events I'll still be burrowing away with H7. I've recorded all but the last five pages of narration script and hope to have the finished article at one or both of the above events.
All the best
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
08 Feb 07
Dear Harris fans,
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who has supported the Harris project over the past year; the release of H6 and the Indian Sharpe comeback episode really helped to boost interest.
I'm not sure what the Sharpe producers have got in mind for the future, but I'm sure we'll have another slice of the Harris pie in 2007.
The first rough cut of H7 is done and I'm just finalising the latest draft of the narration script, so it's just a few months of fine tuning and polishing away from release.
As always check this site for news of H7, but nearest guestimate says early May. In the means time there will be a 10% discount on sets of DVDs and photo sets.
Also still on offer: nice price for those wanting to replace old episodes of Harris on VHS with the new fangled DVD version.
The photos are from a 'celebration of a great story teller' at the headquarters of publisher Harper Collins. It was a wonderfully afternoon made blurry by copious amounts of Spanish wine and a trip to the pub.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 The wife and I with the great story teller himself
 Harris with the one who didn't create me and the one that killed me off
31 July 06
Dear Harris fans,
The heat of a Crimean or Turkish summer never felt as debilitating as the summer we're experiencing here in London and I'm having trouble making noticeable progress in putting H7 together.
That, a few small work commitments and a certain football tournament haven't helped productivity levels either.
Never the less, work on the body of the film is underway, the script is slowly being cranked out and I'm sure we'll have Harris 7 ready for you all by early in the new year (hopefully!)
I've done a few appearances in the heat including a full Chosen Man (plus Harper) reunion at Autographica 06 held at the Radisson Edwardian hotel, Heathrow. It was very special being back together with the lads after all these years, though having Sean there would have been fantastic; we know this sort of thing isn't his scene.
Of course I have many photos of the day which along with an account of the day will very soon be posted on this site. Hello to everyone we met that day (sorry about the high price of the signed photos) and thanks to Paul of the 1st 95th Rifles re-enactors who provided a superb accompaniment.
Hello also to the good folk of Colchester and environs who came out in the furnace-like conditions to the Military festival held near Colchester garrison. Apache helicopters, Roman Legionaries and Confederate troops blended seamlessly to provide an interesting day.
My next appearances will be with the S.A.S. at the English Heritage Festival of History in Kelmarsh (12th/13th Aug) and Blast from the Past at Cliveden (Sept 9th /10th)
If you are in the area, do pop along and say hello to me and the girls from the Sharpe's Appreciation Society. I'll have great deals on Harris DVDs/Videos and lots of wonderful photographs from the Harris Collection.
All the best
'Democracy, sir!'
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
 "In the heady pre-World Cup days, Paul Trussel imitates
Peter Crouch much to Mike Mears' amusement. I think it best not to speculate
on what John Tams is saying"
 "For the first time in thirteen years and two months the
guys that survived two actors playing Sharpe, together again in one room."
 "We pose for a photo session. Having run out of weapons for
me to hold, a harp is thrust in to my hands with devastating results to the
 "This was the reason we all gathered, signing photos and
meeting the public"
30 May 06
Dear Harris fans,
This past few weeks has been a busy time for this former Chosen man. I was present at the tenth anniversary of the SAS as well as attending a multi- history event at Rufford Abbey.[See photos] Hello again to anyone that came out to these events
As well as putting in an appearance at those events I've taken delivery of my H6 stock from the duplicators, so anyone who was waiting to order the sixth episode, you now can.
Coming up in the first weekend at June is Autographica 06, an event that will reunite all five original Chosen Men for the first time. Daragh O'Malley, work permitting, will also be joining us at the Raddisson Edwardian hotel in Heathrow.
The offer to anyone on my data base who wants to replace their Harris VHS tapes for DVDs is still open. Contact me by e-mail [or post] and I will arrange a very attractive price.
There have been new photos for sale added to the Harris Collection as well a few other items on the site.
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
'Defence d'entrer'
 RICHARD MOORE & ME: The military advisor from Sharpe, taught me everything about being a Chosen man and tweaked my imagination on all things Napoleonic. At a multi history event at Rufford Abbey, Notts.
 HUGH FRASER & MIKE MEARS: The stars of Sharpe came out to celebrate the tenth birthday of the Sharpe's Appreciation Society.
 WELLINGTON DIRECTS FIRE: Lyndon and I get to grips with some old friends, Mr & Mrs Baker while Hugh keeps a watchful eye.
 JOHN KAVANAGH & CHRIS CLARKE: Here's the actor who played Father Curtis in 'Sword' with Chris Clarke, chairperson of the Sharpe's Appreciation Society
3rd May 2006
Dear Harris fans,
Harris 6 is complete; I am now ready to take orders for your copy.
My trip to the Tellynation convention went well; it was a small affair as it was their first, but the attendees were nice people and the guests weren't too shabby either. (See photos).
Following quickly on the heels of Tellynation was my visit to the Napoleonic Fair and then the screening of Sharpe's Challenge. Much to my surprise Sean and Daragh were in on the guest list (See photos).
I will be attending more gigs coming up and it looks like I've talked some of the boys in to joining me at Autographica 2006, more information on that event closer to the time.
I will be joining the SAS for an event at Wellington Country Park, Reading over the Bank Holiday weekend.
And again on May 20-21 at 'Rufford Through the Ages' at Rufford County Park in Nottinghamshire.
All the clips have been chosen for the construction of H7, next will be a lot of diary reading and narration script writing. An element that I think elevates the Harris diaries above the run of the mill behind the scenes DVD. I would say that wouldn't I?
A full H6 screen capture preview can now be seen in the gallery.
All the best
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
'Democracy, sir!'
 Honoured to meet veteran of screen and voice over, Burt Kwouk at Tellynation, Swindon.
 First prize in the Tom Clegg look-alike contest. Here I am with another British TV legend, Brian Murphy.
 To think my agent said the other day 'You couldn't even get arrested in this town'. Accosted by a Dalek at Tellynation.
 The Sharpe & Harris show revival at a screening for Sharpe's Challenge.
 Sean with three members of the Sutherland clan. Stuart, Alejandro and Zeyneb. Just check the end credits of Sharpe's Challenge!
24th March 2006
Dear Harris fans,
Post production of Harris 6 is almost complete; I hope to take the finished episode to the duplicators in the first week of April.
April also sees the beginning of the autograph signing season: on the first of April I will be at 'Tellynation' at the Swindon Hilton Hotel. For details go to their web site
On the very next day I'll be rejoining the SAS for their assault on the Napoleonic Fair in the Alban Centre, St Albans. And here is a link to their site all information:
Hopefully, I'll see some of you at one of these two gigs; if not, there will be plenty of other opportunities later in the year.
In the meantime work has begun on H7, so there's no rest for the wicked.Enjoy the H6 preview below, a full gallery of screen captures will appear later.
All the best
Jason 'Harris' Salkey
'Democracy, sir!'