apethorpe to addapazzari
harris' journey though sharpe
sharpe's first | sharpe's second | sharpe's third | sharpe's fourth | sharpe's fifth
Shooting Sharpe the T.V series took up a five year chunk of my life, leaving me with a wife and child, some life-long friends a book full of intriguing stories. Before embarking on the first year, I realised I was at the dawn of something quite exceptional. The reality far exceeded expectation as fairly quickly; I was swept along an incomparable journey of giddy highs and plunging lows.
On that fateful inaugural shoot, cameras first rolled in a derelict country manor called Apethorpe in Stamford, Lincolnshire. Our hero Sharpe, played by Paul McGann, lead prayer before issuing the "Rifles load" command to the ravenous Chosen Men. A scene that was destined to never see the light of day!
The end of the line for Harris arrived in a dusty non-descript city in Northern Turkey called Addapazzari. A place chosen for it's resemblance to Northern Europe and a little town called Waterloo. Five series down the line and four years later, the rollercoaster ride that was my time on Sharpe came to a juddering stop.
Here are a few photos to illustrate that journey.
Sharpe's First
The first Sharpe back in autumn of '92 proved to be pretty freaky times for us capitalist, Iron Curtain-virgins.
The odyssey began in England, made its way to the Ukraine-for what seemed like years-before ending up in a winter of content on the Portuguese coast. In the place our fictional adventures begin.

Shooting the 'dawdling/quick time' scene at Baidar Valley, Ukraine (Eagle Oct 1992) |

A nice candid shot taken by Assumpta Serna [Teresa] in Portugal (Rifles Dec 1992) |

After shooting the 'taking of an imperial eagle' Sean's first day as Sharpe (Eagle Sept 1992) |

Standing guard at camp just before night shoots (Rifles Oct 1992) |
The shoot divided down the Mc Gann era / Bean era line; two distinct periods. The first era was full of uncertainty, fear and wonder. In the second era, we arrived fore-armed with knowledge of what we were up against, but the novelty had worn away and we had become cynical and battle hardened.
Pretty appropriate for a bunch of soldiers fighting a brutal war!
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